next level retriever training
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Learn From Experts
All of our programs are authored by the most successful retriever trainers in North America. Learn how to train your retriever with proven techniques clearly demonstrated by our instructors. Listen to these legends in the sport discuss their training philosophy and share their training secrets.
Our legacy instructors are the best in the industry. Their accomplishments include multiple National Retriever Championship winners, National Championship finalists and hundreds of Field Champions in both the U.S. and Canada.
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Our Programs Offer
Here are what our programs offer
Just getting started? New to retriever puppy training?
Learning to use the E Collar?
Training with Mike Lardy Articles
Looking for a Complete Retriever Training program?
Want to improve your handling skills?
- Dave Rorem's Art and Science of Handling Retrievers
- Mike Lardy's Total Retriever Training 2nd Edition
- Mike Lardy's Total Retriever Marking
Training with Mike Lardy Articles
Do you train alone?
Interested in Retriever Training techniques and philosophies from Legacy Trainers?
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Our Programs
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Don’t limit yourself to where our sport is now. Think beyond that, into the future.
— Rex Carr